Una mano horrible para una profesión dura

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

trampas en poker stars

Holas! me acaba de llegar el siguiente correo de stars


PokerStars has become aware of a group of players who were working together in our Double or Nothing (DONs) tournaments to the detriment of other players. You were involved in at least one tournament with these players and as a result you may have been adversely affected.

The players' accounts were closed and their funds frozen pending a thorough investigation, which is now complete. Those players have now been barred from PokerStars.

In a case such as this it is our policy to confiscate the colluders' winnings or balances and to distribute them to the players affected by their actions in as fair a way as possible. To confirm your credit, go to the 'Cashier' screen and click the 'History' button. Your share will be shown "ADMIN CREDIT", followed by the amount of the credit.

The integrity of the games at PokerStars is of paramount importance to us and we will not abide cheating or collusion in our games. We work hard to police our games and prevent such instances. In the rare cases where collusion has actually occurred, we make sure that any players affected are compensated appropriately.

Thank you for your continued play here on PokerStars. Please do not hesitate to let us know any time we can be of help.

Kind Regards,

PokerStars Game Security

Esto me asusta mucho, claro está, aunque confirma el temor de muchos de nosotros de que bajo la enorme ventaja del anonimato de la red, y su larga extensión, se puedan encontrar a toda hora con perros como estos. La verdad me devolvieron sólo 4 dólares, puesto que jugué los DONS sólo por probarlos, y hace ya unos meses.

También en http://www.donpokers.com/blog/2010/07/20/descubren-bots-en-pokerstars/ se puede ver que hay muchos bots en stars, especialmente en NL full ring que es donde casi todo el mundo juega.

Creo que para evitar este tipo de trampas es fijándose en la ciudadanía de los jugadores, y si muchos coinciden, evitémoslo, especialmente si son ciudades no muy comunes. No es casualidad ver 3 jugadores de Porto Alegre, por ejemplo, ni 5 jugadores de New York. Por otro lado, evitar jugadores "instantáneos", por ejemplo, uno que haga un check-raise automático, sin pensar un segundo. Evidentemente no hay que ser tampoco paranóicos, sin embargo es bueno estar alerta a un desarrollo de juego normal.

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